The Jubilee Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1485 in the register of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England & Wales
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Do you remember when you were advanced into the Mark degree, that tiny part of the process right near the end of the ceremony, which states; “on some future occasion your attention will be directed to a Lecture expounding the history of the degree and explaining the origins of our ceremony and signs.” However, it is rare to hear the lecture delivered in Lodge. But from the mere fact of its mention in the ceremony of advancement, the lecture should be considered an important part of our Mark Masonic education. This is because it expands on the very brief explanations of the signs and words in the ceremony itself. It also builds a better understanding of the Overseer’s role in the building of the Temple at Jerusalem. And it’s written in a very accessible way - more like a friendly conversation than a “lecture”. Our Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro Keith Robins - Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer, really enjoys the Mark degree. The ritual itself. The happy atmosphere, new friendships and brotherhood in what are typically, Lodges with fewer members than in Craft for example. Although Keith had heard the Mark lecture before he was uncertain as to where or when. So, he decided that he would learn and deliver the lecture at a meeting where (for a change) we didn’t have an advancement. The words “warm” and “friendly” are often used to describe various bits of the Mark ritual. They would hardly satisfy on this particular occasion. The lecture which Keith gave was pitch perfect. A fascinating tale delivered in a relaxed manner by someone who was really invested in the story. This lecture could prove a learning challenge for one person, But if the work was spread out between three or four individuals it would allow not only the participation of more members of the Lodge but also, a less challenging workload. Interested? As a Lodge we gathered together to achieve a better understanding of the degree we love so much. Thank to Keith’s initiative and hard work, we managed it!